• 姓       名:王英雄
    出生日期: 1976-10
    职       称:研究员
    学       历:博士研究生
    地       址:博学馆B座八层
    (1)中国化工学会离子液体专业委员会 委员;
    (2)Magnetic Resonance Letters 期刊 编委;
    (3)《波谱学杂志》(Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance) 青年编委;
    (4)Encyclopedia of Ionic Liquids(Springer-Nature出版), Section Editor;
    (5)离子液体丛书-离子液体合成与表征分册 主编;
    (6)北京理化分析测试技术学会波谱专业委员会 理事;
    (1) Zhaohui Guo, Yingxiong Wang*, Yan Qiao*, et al. Highly efficient production and purification of fructose via glucose isomerization by calcium chloride and triethylamine. Green Chemistry, 2023, 25, 6297-6305. (IF:9.8)
    (2) Rui Li+, Junli Ren*, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Insights into the synergistic effect of catalyst acidity and solvent basicity for effective production of pentose from glucose. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 442, 136224. (IF:16.74)
    (3) Qi Zhao, Hui Ma, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Pure shift NMR: Application of 1D PSYCHE and 1D TOCSY-PSYCHE Techniques for Directly Analyzing the Mixtures from Biomass-derived Platform Compound Hydrogenation/hydrogenolysis. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 2456-2464. (IF:9.22)
    (4) Pengfei Liu, Xianglin Hou*, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Ternary deep eutectic solvents catalyzed D-glucosamine self-condensation to deoxyfructosazine: NMR study. Green Energy & Environment, 2021, 6, 261-270. (IF:12.78)
    (5) Lingyu Jia, Xianglin Hou*, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Mechanism of the self-condensation of GlcNH2: insights from in Situ NMR spectroscopy and DFT study. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017, 202, 420-429. (IF:24.32)
    (2)王英雄,贾玲玉,侯相林等,一种利用甲壳素类生物质制备脱氧果糖嗪的方法, 中国,2018-05,ZL201510849590.X;
    (5)侯相林,王英雄,贾时宇等,利用甲壳素类生物质生产5-羟甲基糠醛的方法, 中国,2015-11,ZL201310055975.X;
    (1)    Hui Ma, Yu Liu, Yingxiong Wang*, 《Ionic Liquid-Based Adsorbents for the Removal of Toxic Dyes from Wastewater》in《Encyclopedia of Ionic Liquids》, Springer-Nature出版社,2019-12;

    1. 国外访学经历

    (1)  2009-02至 2010-01,巴黎高科,巴黎高等物理化工学院(ESPCI)胶体与分散介质实验室(LCMD) Professor Jérôme Bibette 课题组,博士后;

    (2)  2010-02至2011-01,法国科学院(CNRS),巴黎第十一大学(University of Paris-sud 11)药学院Professor Véronique Rosilio 课题组,博士后;

    2. 国际合作项目

    (1) 山西省重点研发计划(国际合作)(201703D421041),“含氮生物质制备吡嗪类化合物的研究”,2017/06-2019/06,50万元,主持;

    3. 参加国际学术会议

    (1)7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids and Green Processes (APCIL-7),Ionic Liquid Catalyzed Chitin Biomass Conversion: NMR Study(口头报告),长沙,中国,2021.4.23-2021.4.26;

    (2)GCT2017--2017 CAS-TWAS Symposium on Green Chemistry and Technology for Sustainable Development(中国科学院-发展中国家科学院可持续发展绿色化学与技术研讨会),北京,中国,邀请报告,2017.9.10-2017.9.12;

    4. 合作发表论文

    (1) Qi Zhao, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. NMR Diffusion Analysis of Catalytic Conversion Mixtures from Lignocellulose Biomass Using PSYCHE-iDOSY. Green Energy & Environment, 2023, 8, 1409-1416. (IF:13.3)

    (2) Mengyu Dou, Yingxiong Wang*, MingXing Tang*, et al. Gradient porous biochar materials with high specific surface area as supports for Pd/C catalysts for efficient maleic acid hydrogenation. Molecular Catalysis, 2023, 545, 113218. (IF:4.6)

    (3) Zhaohui Guo1, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Mechanism of the dehydration of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine into N-containing platform molecule 3-acetamido-5-acetylfuran: NMR study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 365, 120219. (IF:6.63)

    (4) Zhaohui Guo, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. D-Glucose Isomerization with PAMAM Dendrimers as Environmentally Friendly Catalysts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69, 5105-5112. (IF:5.90)

    (5) Hui Ma, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. The interaction between Fischer-Tropsch wastewater and humic acid: A NMR study of butanol isomers. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 179, 296-301. (IF:8.13)

    (6) Mengjie Wu, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Deep Eutectic Solvents: green solvents and catalysts for the preparation of pyrazine derivatives by self-condensation of d-glucosamine. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 9434-9441. (IF:9.22)

    (7) Zexiang Lyu, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Combination of DOSY and 1D selective gradient TOCSY: versatile NMR tools for identify the mixtures from glycerol hydrogenolysis reaction. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 171, 117-123. (IF:8.13)

    (8) Fen Yue, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. NMR Studies of Stock Process Water and Reaction Pathways in Hydrothermal Carbonization of Furfural Residue. Green Energy & Environment, 2018, 3, 163-171. (IF:12.78)

    (9) Lingyu Jia, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Product distribution control for glucosamine condensation: NMR investigation substantiated by Density-functional calculations. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56, 2925-2934. (IF:4.33)

    (10) Yan Qiao, Christian Marcus Pedersen*, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Glycosylation intermediates studied by low temperature 1H- and 19F-DOSY NMR: new insight into the activation of trichloroacetimidates. Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 11418-11421. (IF:6.07)

    (11) Wenzhi Ge, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. DOSY NMR: A versatile analytical chromatographic tool for lignocellulosic biomass conversion. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2016, 4, 1193-1200. (IF:9.22)

    (12) Yan Qiao, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Yingxiong Wang*, et al. Pyrolysis of chitin biomass: TG-MS analysis and solid char residue characterization. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 133, 163-170. (IF:10.72)

    (13) Yingxiong Wang, Christian Marcus Pedersen, Xianglin Hou*, et al. In situ NMR spectroscopy: Inulin biomass conversion in ZnCl2 molten salt hydrate medium-SnCl4 addition controls product distribution. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2015, 115, 439-443. (IF:10.72)

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